Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thailand Orthopedic Ankle Surgery

Several different operations have been developed to perform an ankle fusion. The basic procedure in each operation remains the same, however. The most common way that an ankle fusion is done is by making an incision through the skin to open the joint. Once the joint is opened, the articular cartilage surfaces of the joint must be removed.

Once the articular cartilage is removed on both sides of the joint, the body will try to heal the two surfaces together just as if it were fractured or broken.
Once the cuts are made the bones must be held in place while they fuse. This can be done using large metal screws and metal plates if necessary. The screws are usually under the skin and are not removed unless they begin to rub and cause pain.

In some cases, especially if the fusion is being done because of an infection or a failed initial fusion, an apparatus called an 'external fixator' is used to hold the bones together while they heal. This apparatus has metal pins that are inserted through the skin and into the bone. The metal pins are connected to metal rods and bolts outside the skin that hold the bones in position while the ankle fuses. The fixator is removed after the bones have healed, usually in twelve to fifteen weeks.

Some surgeons have performed ankle fusions with the help of the arthroscope. The arthroscope is a miniature TV camera that is inserted into the ankle joint through a small incision. Using the arthroscope to watch, other instruments are inserted into the ankle joint to remove the cartilage surface. The cartilage surface is removed using a small rotary cutting tool. Once the surfaces are prepared, screws are placed through small incisions in the skin to hold the bones together as they heal, or fuse. This procedure is not significantly different from the open procedure except that the incisions are smaller.

As with any medical treatment, individual results may vary. Only an orthopaedic surgeon can determine whether an orthopaedic implant is an appropriate course of treatment. There are potential risks, and recovery takes time. The performance of the new joint depends on weight, activity level, age and other factors. These need to be discussed with your doctor. Read more...

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